“Beyond their vibrant cityscapes, to outside eyes the Nordic countries today are still a region of untrammelled peace, a vast canvas of forests, mountains, and waterways that is seemingly one of the last places in Europe to offer the true solitude of the wild. To a person in the Viking Age, such a view would be incomprehensible. Anyone moving through the landscapes of trees and rock, snow and ice, wind and water, would have understood themselves to be in the midst of teeming life– not just of animals and insects, but of something far more– that other population of beings with whom humans shared their world… In modern Swedish they are called väsen, a general term that cannot readily be translated but encompasses the whole variety of “supernatural beings”...” -Neil Price, Children of Ash and Elm
We are deep in development for our next opera, the culminating third part of our “Rewilding Triptych”. Called The Wilderness, it is a performance that seeks to connect us ever more deeply to the spirits of the land and beings around us.
Stay tuned for more information about "The Wilderness”
Coming Soon! First Work In Progress showing will be in the Twin Cities, Fall, 2025

Open Flame Theatre Presents:
An intimate, re-imagining of ‘The Garden’
May 19th-21st and 26th=28th, 2-23
Spring is finally springing here in Minnesota! And as the trees and flowers come back to life to show their true colors, Open Flame Theatre has been hard at work through the winter to bring you a new, intimate, reimagining of ‘The Garden’.
If we have been a little quiet online this winter, it’s because we’ve been training our asses off in our studio at the Ivy Building. Thanks to our director, Richard Newman, we have been honing our acting chops and diligently crafting the script/libretto for this new version of ‘The Garden’.
This performance is a ritual of reclamation for all our trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming communities. This performance is for you. It is for anyone healing from spiritual trauma because you were told you were broken or not enough. We see you. We are with you. To paraphrase poet Lucille Clifton, come join us to celebrate that every day something has tried to kill us and has failed.
Join us for the unveiling of Open Flame Theatre’s newest work May 19-21st and 26-28th at the Southern Theater. Until then, spread the word and if you are able, DONATE to our GiveMN.org campaign!
We hope to see y’all next month! Your support ensures that we can continue to make work rooted in TRANS LIBERATION!
In love, mud, blood, and solidarity,
Walken and Katie
Content Warning for The Garden: Conversion therapy, live BDSM, sexual content, forced medication.